Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation has decided to move the Sine Dolore World Park Awards for a new social evening with a renewed formulation that circumscribes such awards to the fields of health, medicine, pain, pharmacology and , in general, to all the branches of what we modernly know as health and welfare sciences.
Thus, the delivery of the prizes Father Vicente Macián and Dr. Luis Aliaga, according to the bases and juries that regulate them for years, as one of the main events of the closing gala of the Sine Dolore World Park, is maintained, which is celebrated during the first week of May at the Teatro Principal de Maó, and the ceremony of the five Sine Dolore World Park Awards for Excellence, which this year are awarded to:
- Professor Dr. Mateu Orfila to Social Communication, in favor of Onda Cero Menorca, for his tireless work of dissemination of all the projects carried out by the Spanish Association of Relatives and Patients with Pain and Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation, in the fight against persistent chronic pain and the improvement of the quality of life of the people who suffer it and that of their relatives.
- Premio Dr. Fernando Rubió, to the awareness and development of improvements in the field of pain, for Mundiplan Spain, for its extraordinary contribution to the quality of life of retired people, through its popular travel program of IMSERSO.
- Sister María and Catalina Llabrés Piris awarded the specialties for pain relief, in favor of the University of the Balearic Islands, for their valuable and courageous commitment to the creation of the Faculty of Medicine.
- Premio Carme Puntas Comella to pharmacology and quality of life, in favor of Kyowa Kirin Laboratories, a company in the field of health sciences and medicines spread throughout Asia, America and Europe that stands out for its research work and innovation in biotechnology, with the aim of contributing to the health and well-being of people.
- Sister Enriqueta Award for solidarity and well-being against pain, in favor of the CaixaBanc Social Work, a non-profit organization created in 1904 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona ("la Caixa") , which was dedicated to managing the resources of the Caja's social work and which was created with the aim of contributing to the welfare of the people and responding to the needs of the society in which the financial activity was carried out.
The award ceremony for the Sine Dolore World Park 2018 Excellence Awards (Sine Dolore World Park Excellence Awards) will be held on Saturday, October 20 at 9:00 pm at the Occidental Menorca Hotel, in the Punta Prima urbanization (Sant Lluís) . The musical group Arrels de Menorca will perform during said event and, at the end of it, an aperitif will be served.
Patient's School
On Friday, October 19, at 6:00 pm, the Assembly Hall of the City Council of Mahón will host a new edition of the Sine Dolore International School for Family and Patients with Pain. Dr. Fernando Serrano, Head of the Rehabilitation Service of the Hospital Quironsalud Sur de Alcorcón and of the Beata María Ana de Jesús Hospital in Madrid and the Rehabilitation Physician of S.M. Don Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón, will open the session with a keynote address on "Physical exercise as an element of rehabilitation". Subsequently, the following interventions will happen:
- "Types of Pain" Dr. Juan Manuel Vaca.
- "Why has my pain been chronicled?" Dr. Maribel Vargas Domingo.
- "Herbs or weeds" Dr. Julia Ferreras.
- "Cervicalgias". Dr. Gonzalo Hernández Cutillas.
- "Biomechanical rebalancing therapy." Prof. Maribel Ruiz de Almirón San Vicente
More information on our website
Statements by the President of the Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation, Dr. Jordi Moya.
Statements by the president of the Spanish Association of Patients with Pain, Gemma Fernández.